
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

These suggestions are largely adapted from those provided by the cookiecutter template used for this project. I rewrote a great deal, and I stand what I haven’t changed. Acknowledgment nonetheless is due to others who gave me something to tweak.

Bug reports

When reporting a bug please include:

  • Your operating system name and version.
  • Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.

Documentation improvements

Audit-Alembic could always use more documentation, whether as part of the official Audit-Alembic docs, in docstrings, or even on the web in blog posts, articles, and such.

Feature requests and feedback

The best way to send feedback is to file an issue at gh-issues.

If you are proposing a feature:

  • Explain in detail how it would work.
  • Keep the scope as narrow as possible, to make it easier to implement.
  • Remember that I am just this guy, you know? If at all possible, please try implementing yourself; if it doesn’t work, submit as a pull request and we’ll see what we can make out of it.


To set up Audit-Alembic for local development:

  1. Fork Audit-Alembic (look for the “Fork” button).

  2. Clone your fork locally:

    git clone
  3. Create a branch for local development:

    git checkout -b name-of-your-change

    Now you can make your changes locally.

  4. When you’re done making changes, make sure tests pass – see Testing.

  5. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
    git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

    Please observe Tim Pope’s guidelines for a good commit message.

  1. Submit a pull request through the GitHub website.


Testing is required – no patch will be accepted without tests that fail if implemented without the fix.

Trigger your virtual environment and install the test dependencies:

$ pip install flake8  # required for linting
$ pip install pytest mock  # required for testing
$ pip install psycopg2  # enables running tests with postgresql
$ pip install mysql-python  # enables running tests with mysql
$ pip install pytest-cov  # enables coverage tracking

First run flake8 to ensure no facepalms. Please keep the library PEP8-compliant; deviations are likely to be nitpicked in code review.

Now to run tests:

$ python install &&
$ pytest -k test_my_change  # substitute the name of the new test you wrote
$ pytest --cov  # runs all available tests

The above commands run the tests using SQLite and whatever version of python you’re running. The full test suite runs several database drivers and several versions of python. You can get this running by just submitting a pull request and Travis will do the rest. It’s nonetheless (gently) encouraged, and not all that difficult, to run them yourself before submitting a pull request. It’s one easy way to assure yourself the change can be accepted.

Database backends

Running with SQLite is trivial, as we’ve seen. Running with postgresql or mysql requires a working installation of the respective database and its respective Python driver (for the latter see the pip installs above). The principles are pretty simple and ought to work with any SQL dialect that also works for Alembic (e.g. Oracle, MSSQL), but no working examples are known other than those directly supported by Travis: sqlite, postgresql, mysql.

Running tests on postgresql and mysql backends is nearly identical, so let’s say you want to run with postgresql. As mentioned above, install a postgresql database if you don’t have one, and pip install psycopg2.

By default, when asked to run with postgresql or mysql, the test suite expects a database named test, usable by a user named scott who has a password of tiger (run grep psql .travis.yml to see how travis creates it, or grep mysql .travis.yml for the same with mysql). This default can be overridden if you have your own configuration you want to work with. Either way, beware that the tests include DROP ALL TABLES as a teardown command, so make sure the database you’re using, test or otherwise, contains no data you need to preserve.

Running pytest with different backends

To use the default setup, database test and user scott with password tiger:

$ pytest --cov --db postgresql
$ pytest --cov --db mysql

Valid inputs for the --db option can be seen by running pytest --dbs= [sic]. (Please note, while configurations exist for mssql and oracle, the author has no access to those databases; if you are able to run tests on these, please let me know what you find, pass or fail!)

To use a different DB configuration, use a SQLAlchemy URI string:

$ pytest --cov --dburi postgresql://scott:tiger@

The --dburi option can point to any database on any backend, as long as a SQLAlchemy Dialect for it can be found on your system.

You can combine as many of these options as you like to run multiple backends in a single pytest invocation:

$ pytest --cov --db mysql --db postgresql --dburi sqlite:///my-file.db

tox is a standard tool used to run several distinct testing environments. It creates a new virtual environment for each combination of Python interpreter and database backend it’s asked to run. It can be installed inside or outside your own virtual environment.

Install tox using pip, and on your system install whatever extra interpreters you want to test with. (You should test at a minimum with 2.7 and one of 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6. Whatever you’re unable to test, Travis will handle when you create a pull request.)

Also install and set up whatever database servers you’ll be testing against. If you want want tox to use a database configuration other than the default, export as follows:

$ export POSTGRESQL='--dburi postgresql://scott:tiger@'

The default list of environments is found in tox.ini or by running tox -l. You can adjust it by exporting to TOXENV or using tox -e to specify environments. Again, what you’re unable to test yourself.

When the environment variables are set to your liking, run:


It will run all the tests in all available environments and report on results. Furthermore, it will track coverage automatically.

To run just your test on all environments, run like this:

tox -- -k test_my_change

For more granular control on what tests tox runs, read its docs, and our tox.ini.

Pull Request Guidelines

If you need some code review or feedback while you’re developing the code, just submit the pull request.

When ready for merging, you should:

  1. Create new tests covering your change, and use tox to assure yourself the change works. [1]. If you can write one that fails without your patch, even better! If your patch includes new code and does not include a test, it is unlikely to be accepted; if any tests fail in any Travis environment, they will have to be resolved before the change is accepted.
  2. Update documentation when there’s new API, functionality etc. Docstrings are usually the best way to do this.
  3. Add a note to CHANGELOG.rst about the changes.
  4. Add yourself to AUTHORS.rst.
[1]If you don’t have all the necessary python versions available locally you can rely on Travis - it will run the tests for each change you add in the pull request.


To run a subset of tests:

tox -e envname -- py.test -k test_myfeature

Simple pytest -k test_myfeature will not work; the package must be installed first. tox does that for you.

To run all the test environments in parallel (you need to pip install detox):


(Nota bene: the author has never done this.)